Thursday, September 15, 2005

Yesterday Dinner:
-chicken breast w/ pesto
-turkey quinoa chili w/ kidney beans
I was going to steam some kale too, but I got tired and fell asleep.

Today Morning:
-oatmeal w/ blueberries
-protein bar
the maintenance guys came over this morning to fix that leak in the ceiling. nothing is more disracting than water (god i hope it's clean water) and pieces of ceiling falling on you when you are trying to watch david ortiz continue to be the greatest hero in american history. i love david ortiz. i love him so much.

Today Lunch:
-a chicken taco salad. served in a largish bowl made of taco, it contained salsa, lettuce, chicken, cheese, and sour cream that looked like they had been hurled into the taco bowl at high velocity from a great height. not a tremendous amount of food all told, but not bad. i was given several samples of free chicken while standing waiting for my food. i expected the chicken to be more tendony than it turned out to be. remarkably tendon-free chicken for a cheap mexican place. mexican place in the corner mall in downtown crossing.
-green tea
-fish oil


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