Friday, September 30, 2005

Yesterday morning:
-carrots w/ beloved omega-3 peanut butter

-spinach salad w/ chicken, tomato, purple pepper, italian dressing.
-fish oil
-green tea

-orange juice (just bought a gallon of orange juice. orange juice is really good. i had forgotten. i'm sorry, orange juice, i'll never forget you again.)
-tuna fish sandwich w/ that ezekiel bread and mustardayonaisse
-3 (omega-3) egg omellete with pesto, broccoli, grated romano, and salsa. i cooked this in extra virgin olive oil. i bought what i think is a half gallon of olive oil, so anytime i am cooking something you can pretty much assume that it is dripping with olive oil because extra virgin olive oil is delicious and goes bad in like 3 months. oddly, olives themselves are unpleasant to me. it is funny how the world works.
-sharp cheddar cheese, apple, almonds, and water crackers
-2 glasses of wine. i had a good time partying with myself last night. i am apparently one of the last people in the country to read this book, and it was fantastic like everyone says. it is one of my new favorites. it doesn't talk about food very much, but from pages 50-51, young Toby is promised a hamburger by a guy who likes his mother:

"Come on, Bub," said the man I'd been talking to. "I'll rustle you up something to eat."
I followed him to the kitchen and sat at a counter while Judd pulled things out of the refrigerator. He slapped together a baloney sandwich and set it in front of me. He seemed to have forgotten about the hamburger. I would have said something, but I had a pretty good idea that even if I did there wasn't going to be any hamburger.
When we came back to the living room, my mother was looking out the window through the binoculars. The sunburned man stood beside her, his head bent close to hers, one hand resting on her shoulder as he gestured with his beer bottle at some point of interest. He turned as we came in and grinned at us. "There's our guy," he said. How's it going? You get some lunch? Judd, did you get this man some lunch?"
"Yes sir," he said."


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