Thursday, August 25, 2005

Tuesday Lunch:
-inner circle lunch hall-of-fame charter member chicken kabob salad w/ lettuce, tomato, cucumber, pepper, hummus, tahini, chicken, falafel, hot sauce. i don't have much more to say about this salad, other than it is what sustains me and keeps my soul from fleeing my body.

Tuesday Dinner:
-green soybean pasta with red pepper marinara and pesto
-carrots w/ the omega-3 peanut butter that i love so dearly

Wednesday Morning:

Wed Lunch:
-spinach salad w/ egg, too much onion, tomato, bacon. raw onion is just so overpowering. a little goes a long way. i could have a mouthful of like 4 different things, but if there was onion in there, onion would be all i could taste. onion does not taste so awesome that it should be allowed to bully other flavors around like that. you do not deserve your power, onion.

Wed Dinner:
-chicken burrito w/ pinto beans, cheese, salsa, sour cream. kind of eh. cheap though. i ran out of water and when i went to the soda fountain for more water i couldn't find a water thing and i was dying of thirst (i really drink a ridiculous amount of water. probably too much) so i took like 1/3 cup (w/ice) of diet coke which was the closest thing to water, i figured. the owner i guess of the place was sitting at the table next to me and kind of said hey next time don't do that please. crap. i felt bad. i don't steal (even on the internet) and i never drink soda anyway but i still feel lousy about taking the tiny amount of soda from the man. felipe's taqueria. (fyi, the man did not look like a felipe)
-what added up to probably 3 or so glasses of wine. went to a wine tasting. cotes du rhone, mostly, like 8 or 9 different kinds. they were ok. mostly pretty mild, although there was one that tasted like it had been aged in a rusty bucket in the sun near some horses for a couple days. other than that one, though, they were good. some of them had pretty labels. i used to judge wines by how pretty their labels were. i am not saying this is right but i have wound up making some pretty good choices based on solely on label prettiness. (full disclosure: ok i still sort of do this, choosing wines based on lable prettiness. i know what the good kinds of wine are, but the labels still beckon to me.)

Today Morning:
-eggs with green salsa and the last of the pesto


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