Monday, August 08, 2005

Weekend food roundup:
-omelette w/feta, broccoli and tomato
-oatmeal (ok, let me just explain something about the oatmeal. i eat a lot of it, it is true. i eat oatmeal of the steel-cut variety 1) because steel-cut sounds manly and tough and 2) because it is better for you and less processed than instant oatmeal. it doesn't even take that much longer to cook than instant if you cook it in a large bowl in the microwave. it will boil over and cover your microwave with a concrete oatmealyness (that no amount of cursing will remove) if you don't use a big bowl. oatmeal is also good for your skin and stuff and it fills you up like crazy.)
coffee (the cheap maxwell house type stuff)

-spinach salad with ground beef and orange sesame dressing
-cucumber w/ peanut butter
-turkey sandwich w/ gorgeous, red, absolutely perfect and delicious tomato from the farm share. the tomato was pretty much the platonic ideal of tomatos. it was amongst the top 5 best tomatos i've ever had in my life.
-yogurt with oat bran and frozen mixed berries (strawberries, blackberries, reaspberries)
-flax seed tortilla chips from trader joe's

-salmon burger
-broccoli with peanut sauce
-chicken breast w/ lemon, garlic and parsley
-omelette w/ feta and salsa
-fish oil
-6 1/2 drinks. 3 Harpoon Summer Ale, 1 1/2 Margarita, 2 Michelob light.

Today Morning:
-usual oatmeal
-protein bar

I have not gone out to a restaurant in a really long time. Strange. I will go soon.


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